Sunday, May 17, 2009

University of Coimbra Researchers Identify Six Oil-producing Algae

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A team of researchers from the faculty of science and technology of the University of Coimbra is attempting to produce biodiesel on a commercial scale from microscopic algae. They have identified six micro-algae which have massive potential for biodiesel production. One strain is already being tested in a high-capacity bioreactor which handles large quantities of oil for conversion to biodiesel. In the next few months, the researchers will test five other strains with high oil content. At the same time, they will optimise the large-scale production process, in order to bring this new technology to market. The minimum objective of the project is to produce an average of 90,000 litres per hectare per year.

Source: Environmental

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1 comment:

  1. which are the strains? Or have they kept them as a secret?
