Friday, December 12, 2008

Solix Photobioreactor Cuts Algae Cultivation Costs by 90% ?

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Now, that's what I read here. When anyone claims they can cut anything by 90, you are naturally skeptical about it unless they are talking about cutting manpower in their companies by 90% which is perfectly believable under the circs!

Solix claims that they have a unique photobioreactor design that will cut costs of growing in algae by 90%. So what's so great about their PBRs? They claim two things. 1. They say that since a large part of PBR operating costs are in due to the energy required for bubbling the CO2, they have a method by which this CO2 circulation is done in a far more efficient manner; 2. It appears from the article and the picture that they are using some sort of flat plate photobioreactors and not the usual tubular photobioreactors. The company claims that the shape of the bioreactor increases the amount of sunlight absorbed by the plates.

Well, possibly they have some great ideas out there, but one needs to really see their PBRs perform in the real world and show the type of cost decreases they are talking about.

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1 comment:

  1. This presentation by Solix gives a lot more information about their cost reducing process. interesting...,%209-18-08.pdf
