Sunday, May 4, 2008

Video - Vertigro Creates Ethanol from Algae

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See a video of the Valcent CEO explaining the method of ethanol production from algae @ this YouTube video -

Nature gave us oil from algae; perhaps we should try Nature's way again


  1. Vertigro is designed to produce algae oil for processing into biodiesel, not ethanol. However, byproducts from the oil extraction process could be fermented into ethanol.

  2. Jumping on board with the alternative energy push is imperative at this time. The more people direct their attention and energy the quicker and more successfully we can reach our goals of a sustainable economy in alternative fuels.
    Please come and check out what Valcent is doing with regards to their algae biofuel technology. Come and visit their new blog to see newest developments, recent pictures as well as recent featured articles.
    Please feel free to contribute your comments and thoughts!
    All the best,
    Jessica Brock
