Thursday, February 19, 2009

$500 per gal Omega 3 vs $3 per gal fuel - Algae for food or fuel?

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News release

A press release couple of months old, but very interesting, so included it here

New Algae Oil Products Valuable as Nutritional Therapy for Triglyceride and Cognitive Benefits.

A recent international peer reviewed publication places a question mark on biodiesel from algae oil as a current business model for commercialization. In contrast, the report points to established leadership and commercial viability in nutritional oil markets.

Is Algae Oil Fuel or Nutrition? New Algae Oil Products Valuable as Nutritional Therapy for Triglyceride and Cognitive Benefits.

Chapel Hill, NC, December 10, 2008 -- Very high levels of polyunsaturated fatty acid triglyceride side chains may be the obscure reason why even after nearly 20 years, largely by the US government agency NREL (National renewable Energy Laboratory), that algae oil research has yet to strike oil for fuel commercialization.

The report identifies polyunsaturates as an obstacle that can accelerate oxidation, polymerization, and gum formation in combustion engines. These and other issues may ultimately be preventing certification of the final biodiesel product for commercial sale, despite the high per acre yield potential when growing algae oils. The near term value of microalgae oil may not be cheap fuel, yet the global value of algae oil has just started being realized in nutrition products.

In addition, three dollar per gallon biodiesel is nothing compared to the five hundred dollar per gallon wholesale value of nutritional omega-3 oils made by algae. Currently, C. cohnii and Schizotrichium sp. microalgae oils are sold in the open market with FDA approvals for consumers and infant formulas, each granted strong safety designations as natural food products sold worldwide as bioactive nutraceuticals.

Incredible India may be the future for algae oil research. Published in the Indian journal Everyman’s Science, VOL. XLIII NO. 3, Aug - Sept ’08, Pg 164-168, on behalf of Indian Science Congress Association, the article titled “Is Algae Oil Fuel Or Nutrition?” was written by Scott Doughman, PhD and Srirama Krupanidhi, PhD, each with The Department of Biosciences, Sri Sathya Sai University, Prasanthi Nilayam, 515134, India. While with the Department of Nutrition, School of Public Health, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 25799, USA, Dr. Doughman established the basis for a new company called Source-Omega, LLC.

The company was formed after Dr. Doughman first published a review of algae oil clinical trials; Doughman SD, Krupanidhi S, Sanjeevi CB, Omega-3 fatty acids for nutrition and medicine: considering microalgae oil as a vegetarian source of EPA and DHA, Current Diabetes Reviews, 2007 Aug;3(3):198-203, Bantham Press. Currently, the company’s docosahexaenoic acid therapy is promoted as a clinically optimized nutritional support program claiming docosahexaenoic acid is associated with a reduced risk to onset of Alzheimer's dementia and cognitive decline and that no other long-chain fatty acid can demonstrate this benefit.

Source-Omega, LLC, Chapel Hill North Carolina, USA, is currently a start-up located near the Research Triangle Park specializing in the branding, marketing and globalization of algae oil products as a leading internet distributor of products under the brand names PURE ONE™ for triglyceride lowering benefits and OMEDHA™ for protection from cognitive decline, promoting health and wellness with clinical docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) needed for every stage of life. The company manufactures DHA supplement products as a sustainable vegetarian source of DHA omega-3. For more information on Source-Omega visit

Contact Information
Source-Omega, LLC
Gene Wolf

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