Sunday, November 2, 2008

Arizona Public Service and GreenFuel Technologies Recycle Power Plant Flue Gases into Transportation-Grade Biodiesel and Ethanol

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Arizona Public Service Company (APS) and GreenFuel Technologies Corporation have successfully recycled the carbon dioxide (CO2) from the stack gases of a power plant into transportation grade biofuels.

Using GreenFuel’s Emissions-to-Biofuels algae bioreactor system (earlier post) connected to APS’ 1,040 MW Redhawk power plant in Arlington, Ariz., GreenFuel was able to create a carbon-rich algal biomass with sufficient quality and concentration of oils and starch content to be converted into transportation-grade biodiesel and ethanol.

GreenFuel and APS have been conducting a field assessment program over the past 18 months, and have moved into the next phase of study with the construction of an Engineering Scale Unit that will be completed in first quarter of 2007.

APS is Arizona’s largest and longest-serving electricity utility and serves about 1 million customers in 11 of the state’s 15 counties.

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