Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Key to making Algae Fuels Financially Feasible is for Algae Farms to Get Paid Two Waysl

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Found something interesting in this article which gives the latest updates on PetroAlgae in Melbourne, Australia

The key to making it financially feasible is for algae farms to get paid two ways, John Benneman said. First, farms should get paid for getting rid of unwanted products that algae will eat, like wastewater and carbon dioxide. Second, farms can then harvest and sell the oil. Within the next five years, algae farms could be getting paid for taking over wastewater treatment, Benneman said.

Tennant hopes to create a similar model. The United States could soon commit to greenhouse gas legislation that will make it expensive to pollute by carbon dioxide. Power plants will have to pay to pollute. Since algae eats carbon dioxide, Tennant hopes he can locate algae farms near power plants, and get paid to take their carbon dioxide problem off their hands.

Interesting perspective.

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