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Press Release
The National Algae Association's Mid-South Chapter workshop "Algae: Exploring Open Pond Production Opportunities, " which brought top experts in open pond production together with catfish pond owners, investors and algaepreneurs to learn from each other and fast-track commercial-scale algae open pond production for energy, animal feedstock, organic fertilizer and many other products, far exceeded all expectations, with comments like "... I believe your approach to getting people together to advance the industry is very valuable for all involved ..." and " keep up the good work - your efforts are helping to form our future!" The next workshop focusing on open pond production is in the works!
Save the Dates:
National Algae Association's West Coast Chapter is planning a workshop at the Monte Carlo in Las Vegas on February 24-25, 2010, focusing on the latest innovations in algae growing, harvesting and extraction systems; details to follow.
The next Houston conference will be held at the Doubletree Houston on April 29-30, 2010. Presentations are now being accepted for consideration.
We are pleased to announce that a new NAA algae production certification program will begin the first quarter of 2010. An intensive 3 day course will be taught in Houston. If you are interested in signing up for the course, please let us know.
National Algae Association
4747 Research Forest Dr., Suite 180
The Woodlands, Texas 77381
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