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Press Release:ND Ag Commissioner to Give Keynote Address at EERC Biomass Workshop
The Energy & Environmental Research Center at the University of North Dakota announced today that the preliminary program for the upcoming Biomass ’09: Power, Fuels, and Chemicals Workshop is now available. Doug Goehring, North Dakota agriculture commissioner, will be the keynote presenter. The event is scheduled for July 14–15, 2009, at the Alerus Center in Grand Forks, N.D.
“The production and utilization of energy and fuels derived from biomass sources represent significant opportunities for North Dakota and especially for our agricultural sector,” Goehring said. “The EERC, through its ongoing research and now through this conference, provides key players and entities with the latest information they need to bring this promising technology into the marketplace.”
The workshop is the only conference in North Dakota that addresses the emerging opportunities for the economical production of power, transportation fuels, and chemical feedstocks from biomass.
This year’s program features five main sessions, covering topics such as trends and opportunities in utilizing biomass, two sessions on biofuels, biomass feedstocks, and biomass for heat and electricity. The program features more than 35 speakers representing all aspects of the biomass industry from across the country. Special comments will be provided by video from U.S. Sens. Kent Conrad, D-N.D., and Byron Dorgan, D-N.D.
"The program is particularly intriguing this year because of the pressure on biofuels to compete economically,” said EERC Deputy Associate Director for Research Chris Zygarlicke. “For example, the American Coalition on Ethanol will update us on corn ethanol, which has come under heavy scrutiny lately, and both POET and Abengoa will give a status report on the development of noncorn-based cellulosic ethanol technologies.
“Even more cutting-edge,” Zygarlicke, continued “will be presentations on algae as a biomass feedstock by IF LLC and Midwest Research Institute; a look at producing fungible hydrocarbon fuels, particularly the first-ever 100 percent renewable jet fuel and diesel developed by the EERC; and biofuel production technology from Syntec Biofuel Inc.”
Event organizers anticipate more than 350 people will attend this year’s biomass workshop, which includes a full trade show with more than 40 exhibitors. Last year’s workshop attracted more than 290 participants from more than 30 states and two foreign countries (Canada and India).
Organizing sponsors of the Biomass ’09 include the EERC and the U.S. DOE through the EERC’s Centers for Renewable Energy and Biomass Utilization. The North Dakota Department of Commerce Division of Community Services State Energy Program is the signature sponsor. Partnering sponsors include Barr Engineering; Fredrikson & Byron, P.A.; Great River Energy; Manitoba Hydro; North Central Sun Grant Center (South Dakota State University); the North Dakota Farmers Union; and Xcel Energy as well as event sponsor Otter Tail Power Co.
The Biomass ’09 Workshop is open to the public. For up-to-date program information or to register, log on to or contact the registration department at (701) 777-5246.
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