Monday, April 30, 2007

Boeing looks to algae as alternative aviation fuel

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Do you know that oil derived from algae is an exciting renewable fuel possibility? - see Oilgae for more.

Boeing looks to algae as alternative aviation fuel

By Aimée Turner, Flight Global

Massive cultivation of oil-rich, CO2-absorbing algae pools covering an area equivalent to the size of Austria - or Maryland in the US - could hold the key to eliminating aviation’s contribution to global warming.

Speaking to, Boeing’s alternative fuel expert Dave Daggett explains that algae has been elevated by the US aircraft manufacturer to front-runner status in terms of its potential to become a viable alternative aviation fuel.

Read the full interview from here @ Flight Global

Nature gave us oil from algae; perhaps we should try Nature's way again

Oilgae; Oilgae Blog; List of Oilgae Blog articles.
algOS - Biodiesel from Algae Open Source

Oilgae has a focus on biodiesel production from algae while also discussing alternative energy in general.

In Israel, From Seaweed to Fuel

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Do you know that oil derived from algae is an exciting renewable fuel possibility? - see Oilgae for more.

From Seaweed to Fuel

Hadas Kroitoru, April 29, 2007

Israeli company Seambiotic is using a new environmentally friendly technology to create a product from seaweeds.

Seaweed is being brewed by Seambiotic in eight open pools on property belonging to the Israeli Electric Company (IEC). The company's smokestack emissions, otherwise polluting carbon dioxide, are being redirected to "feed" Seambiotic's algae, a product which goes on to feed animals, humans, and can also be used as biofuel.

Seambiotic, founded in 2003, grows marine micro-algae primarily for livestock feed and nutritional supplements for humans. It can also use algae to create biofuel.

Read the full article from here @ The Media Line

Nature gave us oil from algae; perhaps we should try Nature's way again

Oilgae; Oilgae Blog; List of Oilgae Blog articles.
algOS - Biodiesel from Algae Open Source

Oilgae has a focus on biodiesel production from algae while also discussing alternative energy in general.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Algae-based Oxygen Machine

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Do you know that oil derived from algae is an exciting renewable fuel possibility? - see Oilgae for more.

Algae-based Oxygen Machine

Came across an interesting blog post on the Chlorophyll Collective (CC)...Just in case you are wondering what on earth CC could be, the post provides the answer:

"How do you turn 6,008.6 million metric tons of CO2 into something essential for human existence?

From the experts at the Chlorophyll Collective, the answer is simple: Take a bunch of algae, submerge it in water, blast it with carbon dioxide and sunlight, and get our essential OXYGEN as a waste(?!) product....

In fact, did you know OVER 70% of the oxygen in the atmosphere is not produced by trees, but by algae? This means our very lives depend on algae for existence!

So the folks at CC are trying to make machines that eat the CO2 and produce O2 - in other words, algae-based oxygen machines!

Interesting post, read the full post here, from Green Options

Nature gave us oil from algae; perhaps we should try Nature's way again

Oilgae; Oilgae Blog; List of Oilgae Blog articles.
algOS - Biodiesel from Algae Open Source

Oilgae has a focus on biodiesel production from algae while also discussing alternative energy in general.

BioMaxx Systems to Build Biodiesel Demonstration Plant in Asia

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Do you know that oil derived from algae is an exciting renewable fuel possibility? - see Oilgae for more.

BioMaxx Systems to Build Biodiesel Demonstration Plant in Asia

26 Apr 2007

Toronto, Ontario, April 26 - BioMaxx Systems Inc. has announced it is completing the final planning process for the design for a Biodiesel demonstration plant. BioMaxx will be building this facility in South Asia and is in the final process of site selection, the plant will be located in Indonesia, Malaysia or Thailand.

The BioMaxx demonstration plant will be designed to process a variety of feedstocks such as Algae, Jatropha, Mustard Seed, Palm Oil, Rapeseed, Soy Oils, Tallow, Waste Vegetable Oils and Yellow greases....

Read the full report from here @ PR Inside

Nature gave us oil from algae; perhaps we should try Nature's way again

Oilgae; Oilgae Blog; List of Oilgae Blog articles.
algOS - Biodiesel from Algae Open Source

Oilgae has a focus on biodiesel production from algae while also discussing alternative energy in general.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Boeing to develop algae biofuel?

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Do you know that oil derived from algae is an exciting renewable fuel possibility? - see Oilgae for more.

Boeing in scheme to develop biofuel

24th April 2007

Boeing, the US aerospace giant, is working on plans to develop a "biofuel blend" derived from plants or algae that could power conventional jets.

Executives at the company said a hybrid fuel could be available within five years, using the same engines that currently propel conventional jets.

Read the full news report from here @ The West, Australia

Nature gave us oil from algae; perhaps we should try Nature's way again

Oilgae; Oilgae Blog; List of Oilgae Blog articles.
algOS - Biodiesel from Algae Open Source

Oilgae has a focus on biodiesel production from algae while also discussing alternative energy in general.

Dutch Co Manufactures Algae Bioreactor

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Do you know that oil derived from algae is an exciting renewable fuel possibility? - see Oilgae for more.

Dutch Co Manufactures Algae Bioreactor

24 Apr 2007, New Car Net, UK

A Dutch company has successfully created algae photo-bioreactors for the purpose of producing biodiesel. BioKing Green Energy NV will engage in research and development of algae cultivation as an energy source as an eco-friendly alternative to petroleum-based fuels. The production facilities for algae bio fuels will be based in The Netherlands, Spain and Portugal.

Read the full report from here @ New Car Net, UK

Nature gave us oil from algae; perhaps we should try Nature's way again

Oilgae; Oilgae Blog; List of Oilgae Blog articles.
algOS - Biodiesel from Algae Open Source

Oilgae has a focus on biodiesel production from algae while also discussing alternative energy in general.

Friday, April 20, 2007

"Playing with Pond Scum" - Algae Fuel in the Red Herring

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Do you know that oil derived from algae is an exciting renewable fuel possibility? - see Oilgae for more.

"Playing with Pond Scum" - Algae Fuel in the April 9, 2007 issue of Red Herring Print Issue

Algae, grown in factories or in ponds, is rich in lipids (read: oil) and could yield 5-to 30-times more oil per acre than palm oil for biofuel production. Only a small group of entrepreuneurs grow commercial algae -- a select group of “alga-nuts,” in the words of one such CEO. VCs don’t think it’s so nutty, though. Algae startups Solazyme, Aurora BioFuels, and GreenFuel Technologies, recently raised tens of millions of funding dollars. Read all about it in Red Herring's Apr issue cover feature, “Playing with Pond Scum,” (available only in the offline print format!)

Nature gave us oil from algae; perhaps we should try Nature's way again

Oilgae; Oilgae Blog; List of Oilgae Blog articles.
algOS - Biodiesel from Algae Open Source

Oilgae has a focus on biodiesel production from algae while also discussing alternative energy in general.

Pond-Powered Biofuels: Turning Algae into America's New Energy

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Do you know that oil derived from algae is an exciting renewable fuel possibility? - see Oilgae for more.

Pond-Powered Biofuels: Turning Algae into America's New Energy

By Amanda Leigh Haag, March 29, 2007 @ Popular Mechanics

Using a complex photosynthetic process, breakthrough innovators have developed biodiesel and ethanol from an unlikely source that can double its output overnight and just might help give alternative energy the bump it needs: little green goo.

Three years ago, Colorado-based inventor Jim Sears began tinkering with a design to mass-produce biofuel. His feedstock (algae) may have struck soybean farmers as a laughable gamble. But the experiment worked, and today, Sears’ company, Solix Biofuels in Fort Collins, is among several startups betting their futures on the powers of algae, says this article from Popular Mechanics.

Read the full article from here @ PM

Nature gave us oil from algae; perhaps we should try Nature's way again

Oilgae Blog; List of Oilgae Blog articles.
algOS - Biodiesel from Algae Open Source

About Oilgae - Oilgae has a focus on biodiesel production from algae while also discussing alternative energy in general.

Investigative Carte Blanche casts doubt on De Beers Fuel

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Do you know that oil derived from algae is an exciting renewable fuel possibility? - see Oilgae for more.

Investigative Carte Blanche casts doubt on De Beers Fuel

By: Helene Le Roux, 2 Apr 07

The popular investigative programme Carte Blanche has cast doubt on the ability of much-feted biofuels startup De Beers Fuel to produce large volumes of biodiesel.

De Beers Fuel of Mookgopong, in Limpopo – which has no connection to diamond mining giant De Beers – has been claiming production of 6 000 litres of biodiesel an hour.

Read the full news report from here @ Engineering News, South Africa

Nature gave us oil from algae; perhaps we should try Nature's way again

Oilgae - Oil & Biodiesel from Algae
Oilgae Blog; The complete list of Oilgae Blog articles.
algOS - Biodiesel from Algae Open Source

About Oilgae - Oilgae - Oil & Biodiesel from Algae has a focus on biodiesel production from algae while also discussing alternative energy in general.

Cultured Micro-Algae Produces Omega-3 Bio-Lipid Oil

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Do you know that oil derived from algae is an exciting renewable fuel possibility? - see Oilgae for more.

Cultured Micro-Algae Produces Omega-3 Bio-Lipid Oil

News Release, Apr 2007

Visit (site under construction) for further information.

Renewable energy technology combines aquaculture with sustainable energy. It is an economically viable, sustainable and successful method of producing mass quantities bio-lipid oil (mainly Omega-3 oils), which brings real life alternative technolgy to the forefront.

Bio-Lipids Technology Group, LLC.

After years of privately funding their own research, the Bio-Lipids Technology Group, LLC has opened their doors to transferring their technology to public and private companies around the world. The company utilizes the strengths of its “advisory board”, made up of the world’s top scientists in the fields of petroleum engineering, chemical engineering, aquaculture, economics and nutrition, to custom develop implementation plans for its clients. Projects are currently being planned throughout the Caribbean, Central and South America.

Micro-algae are capable of producing more bio-lipid oil than any other feedstock or terrestrial crop. Comparing the bio-lipid yield from micro-algae to that of soy and canola , micro-algae produces 200 times more bio-lipid oil (on a per acre per year basis) than soy and 150 times more than canola. In addition, the chemical makeup of the micro-algae (bio-lipid) oil burns cleaner as biodiesel and has more Omega-3 (ALA) and DHA than that of soy or canola oil.

The company takes an “extensive” approach to culturing algae and can even produce organically certified bio-lipid oil. Utilization of existing, but non-operational shrimp ponds, salt flats or fish ponds is the preferred method.

Major markets for the production of bio-lipid oil includes: biodiesel, fish-feed and pharmaceuticals. The Omega-3 bio-lipid oil can directly replace fish meal as the source of protein. This now eliminates the monopoly that fishmeal has on the aquaculture industry. The cost to produce bio-lipid oil is significantly less than the purchase price of fish oils and petroleum based diesel fuels.

Micro-algae production is enhanced when other aquatic species are cultured in conjunction, to provide essential nutrients for the growth of the micro-algae. This approach allows for the continuance of the culture of the existing species, while producing a secondary crop (bio-lipid oil) that may be more valuable than the primary species. Additionally, we can culture the micro-algae without having to culture other aquatic species, it just makes sense to get two crops for the price of one.

For more information: info at bio-lipids dot com

Oilgae Academic Edition provides extensive details for researchers on pathways and technologies for alternative energy products – not just biodiesel from algae is presented in the report.

Nature gave us oil from algae; perhaps we should try Nature's way again

Oilgae - Oil & Biodiesel from Algae
Oilgae Blog; The complete list of Oilgae Blog articles.
algOS - Biodiesel from Algae Open Source

About Oilgae - Oilgae - Oil & Biodiesel from Algae has a focus on biodiesel production from algae while also discussing alternative energy in general.

Algae BioFuels Issues Australasia License to PetroSun BioFuels

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Do you know that oil derived from algae is an exciting renewable fuel possibility? - see Oilgae for more.

Algae BioFuels Issues Australasia License to PetroSun BioFuels

9 Apr 2007

Phoenix, Arizona []

PetroSun, Inc. announced that the Board of Directors of Algae BioFuels, a wholly owned subsidiary of PetroSun, has issued the exclusive algae to biofuel production technology license to PetroSun BioFuels for the Australasian market.

PetroSun BioFuels is a wholly owned subsidiary of PetroSun and was formed to cultivate algae and refine the algal oil into biodiesel for distribution under the PetroSun brand throughout Australasia.

Read the full post from Renewable Energy Access
Nature gave us oil from algae; perhaps we should try Nature's way again

Oilgae - Oil & Biodiesel from Algae
Oilgae Blog; The complete list of Oilgae Blog articles.
algOS - Biodiesel from Algae Open Source

About Oilgae - Oilgae - Oil & Biodiesel from Algae has a focus on biodiesel production from algae while also discussing alternative energy in general.

Algae May Help Prevent Tsunami, Create New Fuel

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Do you know that oil derived from algae is an exciting renewable fuel possibility? - see Oilgae for more.

Algae May Help Prevent Tsunami, Create New Fuel

MELBOURNE, April 19, 2007 (Bernama) -- Green algae may just hold the answer to preventing future occurrences of hurricanes, tsunamis and other disasters stemming from climate changes if a pilot scheme at Monash University takes off. Of course, this is in addition to the fact that the oil can be used as fuel.

A research team from the university's Department of Chemical Engineering is looking at processes which allow algae to digest carbon dioxide (CO2), whose concentration in the atmosphere is resulting in radical changes in the world's climate.

Read the full news report from Bernama, Malaysia

Nature gave us oil from algae; perhaps we should try Nature's way again

Oilgae - Oil & Biodiesel from Algae
Oilgae Blog; The complete list of Oilgae Blog articles.
algOS - Biodiesel from Algae Open Source

About Oilgae - Oilgae - Oil & Biodiesel from Algae has a focus on biodiesel production from algae while also discussing alternative energy in general.

Bio diesel from algae introduced next year in Philippines

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Do you know that oil derived from algae is an exciting renewable fuel possibility? - see Oilgae for more.

Bio diesel from algae introduced next year in Philippines
17 Apr 2007

The Philippine National Oil Company-Alternative Fuels Corp. (PNOC) is talking with a US-based firm engaged in algae technology on how to derive and market bio diesel from algae. If everything goes well, the company will introduce this type of bio diesel next year.

Read the full report from All about Feed

Nature gave us oil from algae; perhaps we should try Nature's way again

Oilgae - Oil & Biodiesel from Algae
Oilgae Blog; The complete list of Oilgae Blog articles.
algOS - Biodiesel from Algae Open Source

About Oilgae - Oilgae - Oil & Biodiesel from Algae has a focus on biodiesel production from algae while also discussing alternative energy in general.